"Nehru and Indira thought that Indians were lazy".. Lok Sabha - Modi slammed the Congress party!

PM Modi Slams Congress: Speaking in the lok sabha today, prime minister Mr. narendra modi quoted Nehru's speech and criticized the congress party.

Indian prime minister narendra modi has hit out at the congress in the lok sabha, saying that jawaharlal nehru thought indians were lazy and less intelligent compared to the American and Chinese people.

Responding to the vote of thanks to the President's address today, prime minister narendra modi attacked the congress party by quoting former prime minister Indira Gandhi's statement that indians are running away from difficulties.

After narendra modi spoke, I am now reading what prime minister Nehru spoke from the red Fort. prime minister Modi recalled Nehru saying, "Indians in general are not in the habit of working hard, not like people in Europe, Japan, China, Russia, America etc."

This "means that Nehru ji thought indians were lazy and less intelligent," he added, amid chants from congress MPs. Stating that Indira Gandhi's thinking was not different from Nehru's, PM Modi quoted the former prime minister's speech from the palaces of the red Fort on Independence Day.

Unfortunately, when some auspicious things come to an end, we become complacent, we become pessimistic about any difficulty, and sometimes the entire nation seems to have failed. Seems to have accepted the sense of defeat. ,” PM Modi said indira gandhi had said.

"Looking at the people in the congress today, it seems that indira gandhi misjudged the people of the country but completely misjudged the congress," PM Modi added. The prime minister said that the mindset of the congress was to never believe in the country's potential. "It saw itself as the rulers and the public as someone smaller," the prime minister said

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