When will the 2024 Lok Sabha elections be held?


Previously if we look at the last four general elections (2019, 2014, 2009 and 2004), the election commission has kept a gap of about 40 to 50 days between the announcement of the election date and voting. The 2019 lok sabha elections were held in seven phases between april 11 and May 19, but the election commission had announced the dates in early March.

Earlier in 2014 and 2009 also, the Commission had announced the dates of lok sabha elections in the first week of March. In 2019, lok sabha elections were held from 7 april to 12 May. Whereas in 2009, elections were held across the country from 16 april to 13 May. However, the dates were announced a little earlier in 2004, on 29 February.

On the basis of previous elections, it can be predicted that this year also in 2024, the date of lok sabha elections may be announced in the first week of March.

The dates for the lok sabha elections have not been announced yet. If we talk about the last four lok sabha elections, voting has started from april itself and the elections are completed by May. elections started from 11 april in 2019, 7 april in 2014, 16 april in 2009 and 20 april in 2004. It is believed that the voting process to elect members of the 18th lok sabha in 2024 may continue from april to May. The time from march to May is also considered good in terms of weather. These elections can be held in five to seven phases.

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