Things about missing Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu...


China’s Defense minister Li Shangfu has been missing for the last few days, hence many speculations are

being made about him. On the other hand, china has maintained silence on the news of Li Shangfu’s

disappearance. Meanwhile, some media reports have claimed that the Chinese Defense minister has been

removed from the post and an investigation is going on against him in a corruption case. In such a

situation, he has been placed under house arrest.

Let us tell you the points about China's Defense minister Li Shangfu.

According to the report of 'Wall Street Journal', Defense minister Li Shangfu was taken for questioning by

officials last week. Investigation is going on against him regarding the corruption case. Li Shangfu was

appointed to China's top post in march this year. According to CNN report, Li Shangfu is still being

described as the Defense minister of china on the websites of the Chinese government and army. Li

Shangfu, who had commanded the arms supply department of the Chinese Army, was recently promoted

and made the Defense minister of China. Before this, Li Shangfu had been in charge of arms procurement

for five years starting in 2017. When Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning was asked a

question about the disappearance of Li Shangfu on Friday, she said that she was not aware of the situation.

Chinese Defense minister Li Shangfu was last seen in public on august 29, when he spoke at the China-

Africa Peace and Security Forum in Beijing. Earlier, the Foreign minister was also removed recently on the

orders of the Chinese President. The Chinese Foreign minister also remained missing for several days.

According to the report, Li Shangfu is an aerospace engineer. He started his career at a satellite and rocket

launch center.

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