'Anything can happen in politics': DK Shivakumar

To the question that 13 MLAs of JDS are in contact with you, he said, 'I don't know about this matter. I am asking for information from you now. I know 224 MLAs. He has a personal, if not political, relationship with all of them. Why should we harm his name?'' he asked. Reacting to whether the bjp leaders were trying to topple the government, he complained, "They are trying to prove that they are alive politically." people have given us the numerical strength of 135 seats. We must keep our promises to the people. Seeing the majority that we have got, the bjp and Dal are not happy. They have to find a cure for it. Both the winners and losers in the opposition are talking against us. We are observing who is talking about what. He implied that we will not shut down anyone's speech. It is a complete lie that I have spoken to MLAs of other parties. The media is not discussing who the bjp has spoken to. bjp thinks that if a cat drinks milk with its eyes closed, no one will know. We remember the lesson he has taught us

Anything can happen in politics, I have suggested the inclusion of activists to increase votes, the issue of MLAs joining the party has not yet come to me: DCM DK Shivakumar deputy chief minister D.K.Sivakumar said that 'anything can happen in politics' when asked whether those who left the party will be included if they come back. Therefore, I have informed them to join the workers of other parties at the local level. - Thus, Ghar has hinted at the return of those who have left the party. Answering questions from reporters near his Sadashivanagar residence in Bangalore, he said, 'Anything can happen in politics. I have told to recruit other party workers to increase the vote share of the party. The addition of MLAs of any party has not reached me," he said.

Responding to the 40 percent commission investigation regarding the formation of a committee headed by Nagmohandas, I will not say anything about this. The chief minister will give an answer on this. He only said that a committee has been formed to investigate within the corporation and they are investigating.

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