Government has banned people from buying cars..!?


government has banned people from buying cars..!?

A house is like a hand tied without a car. Traveling in public transport is torture… this is what indians say. But this country says that a tough decision must be taken to protect the environment. people there are not allowed to buy their own car.

Beautiful cities are losing their beauty due to environmental pollution. The beauty of nature is being destroyed by various types of pollution including air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution. vehicles cause a lot of pollution. Own vehicles are more convenient than public transport. For this reason, the number of own vehicle users has increased significantly in many countries including India. Some people keep not one or two but four or five vehicles at home. Husband, wife, children all have one car. Our lives can be further simplified by these vehicles. But these are the cause of environmental destruction. Consciously, people prefer petrol-diesel vehicles.

This vehicle parked one behind the other without space in front of the house has a bad effect on the nature. The government is making various efforts to protect us and nature from pollution. Boards have been put up to encourage people to use public transport more, stay away from plastic and maintain cleanliness in tourist places. But only people ignore all these and prefer their little happiness. But the government of switzerland has taken a different decision to protect the environment. If you heard that law, would you also be shocked?

What is the law passed by the swiss government? : The swiss government has imposed a ban on buying one's own vehicle. The swiss city of Zermatt is now discussing the same issue. The government here has banned cars to protect the environment. people here cannot buy a vehicle and park it in front of their house. people going to and from the city should use public transport only. No other vehicles except public vehicles can ply in the city. Apart from this, the government has also imposed a ban on petrol-diesel vehicles.

Those who need a vehicle should submit a special request to the government. The car can be purchased after the government approves it. But petrol-diesel car purchase is not allowed. The government will make the mini car and provide it to the people. Public has to buy only the car provided by the government. Discounts are given to builders and renters during this period. The number of own cars in Zermatt is less. The car was introduced here very late. So even residents don't like cars. It is difficult to drive on the winding road there. Also, driving was allowed only in a few areas. A lot of fees had to be paid for it. Due to all this the number of cars are very less among the residents there. people here have accepted public transport and walking. Most of the people travel by train while going to neighboring areas.

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