Shock in Senthil Balaji case..Pakistan, enforcement department dragged in Jana..Court of court

Shock in Senthil balaji case..Pakistan, enforcement department dragged in Jana..Court of court

CHENNAI: In the Senthil balaji case, the Enforcement Directorate today used words like pakistan and UN to make strong arguments. While Senthil balaji has been arrested by the enforcement department, his wife Megala's recruitment petition is being heard in the madras High Court. While two judges have already given a different verdict, the case has come up for hearing before the third judge CV Karthikeyan. After Senthil Balaji's argument in this case was over yesterday, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who appeared on behalf of the enforcement department in this case today, said before talking about this case, I have to talk about an important international rule. Until the early 2000s, many countries around the world were struggling due to allegations of money laundering. If you oppose BJP, why do you commit corruption?"- Jayaraman, the world nations came together to prevent this. Strict rules were brought against this by the UN. Keeping that in mind, the PMLA Act was also amended in India. A law was brought against laundering of black money. The nations of the world are against this. They demanded that there should be a strict law. In addition, the UN countries together formed a task force called financial action task force for this purpose. It came up with 40 rules. It was seen whether the law of each country is under these 40 rules. Classified as white.Pakistan is in the gray list because of its poor performance in laundering black money. It will soon be blacklisted. But we are following the rules properly. 5 Member States on this list monitor our rules. Monitoring our legal activities. So legally india has an obligation to take action in such cases. In this case, we arrested Senthil balaji on the basis of documents. We reserve the right. We also have the legal right to procure additional evidence from him. If we cannot interrogate him, it calls into question the very basis of our inquiry commission. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who appeared on behalf of the Enforcement Directorate today, argued that if it appears that someone has done something wrong, I can investigate him. Yesterday, senior advocate kapil sibal argued on behalf of Senthil Balaji's wife Megala's recruitment petition. In that, the enforcement department is not the police. Their powers of arrest are different. Money laundering can be arrested only if there is evidence. Money laundering is the process of turning black money into white. It's like putting dirty clothes in the washing machine. Usually the police investigate a person.. A person can be investigated if he is suspected of committing a crime. Can be investigated to find evidence. But if the enforcement department wants to investigate and make an arrest, it needs evidence first.

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