Why is Lalit Modi playing T-20 with politicians?

Prasad Geeta
When External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was caught helping controversial former IPL chief Lalit Modi, many people thought it was an one off incident and the ruling BJP government can weather out the storm easily though opposition Congress started demanding her resignation. 

IPL chief Lalit Modi started organising press meets

However as weeks passed and parliament session fast approaching, many developments shocked not only ruling BJP but also Congress and other opposition parties. Former IPL chief Lalit Modi started organising press meets with his legal experts and also started playing T-20 with politicians hurling twitter bombs. 

CM Vasundhara Raje into the game

He dragged Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje into the game and also her son Dushyanth Raje. When Congress rejoiced, he dragged the names of Priyanka Gandhi and Vice President Rahul Gandhi. He didnot leave congress leader Rajiv Shukla and also NCP chief Sharad Pawar. 

Many started wondering why is he playing T-20 with starting Indian Political League (IPL). Some say with ED and CBI getting ready to bring him back to India, he decided to drag all political parties and force them to stop making moves about his extradiction. 

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