Globetrotting Joy: 'Inside Out 2' Lights Up International Box Offices!

Sindujaa D N
"In a stunning comeback for Pixar, 'Inside Out 2' has shattered records with a historic debut at the box office. The highly anticipated sequel stormed into theaters with a remarkable $155 million opening weekend in the united states alone, marking it as the second-largest animated opening ever recorded in North America. Globally, the film achieved an extraordinary $295 million in its opening weekend, surpassing all expectations and securing its place as the biggest animated debut worldwide when comparing similar markets.
Heading into the weekend, the highly anticipated sequel 'Inside Out 2' data-faced a momentous international debut, launching in 60 percent of global markets with exceptional results. The film made history across Latin America, achieving the second-largest opening of all time in the region, trailing only Marvel and Disney's blockbuster 'Avengers: Endgame.' Notably, mexico led the charge with an impressive $30.2 million debut, showcasing the film's immense popularity and drawing in enthusiastic audiences.
Across europe and Asia, 'Inside Out 2' continued to captivate viewers, with standout performances in key markets. south korea contributed significantly with $14.9 million, while the united kingdom followed closely with $13.9 million in box office receipts. These strong international numbers underscored the film's broad appeal and solidified its status as a global phenomenon.
With a robust start both domestically and internationally, 'Inside Out 2' has not only reaffirmed Pixar's storytelling prowess but also set a new standard for animated films in terms of audience engagement and box office success worldwide.

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