Allu Arjun Suddenly Heading into a Dark Period

After Pushpa: The Rise became a national success, allu arjun was ecstatic. He won the Best Actor National Award for the movie, capping one of the greatest periods of his career. Prominent filmmakers were eager to collaborate with him, and everything appeared to be ideal. Then something terrible happened.
When allu arjun ran for the YSRCP in the most recent andhra pradesh elections, he stirred up a lot of controversy. Pawan Kalyan, his uncle, ran in the elections as well, but allu arjun did not support him. This infuriated a lot of huge fans and made them dislike Allu Arjun. As a result of Nagababu's "loyalty" post, tensions between the mega family and Allu Arjun's family grew.

The electoral victory of pawan kalyan and his subsequent appointment as deputy chief minister exacerbated the already existing divide between allu arjun and the Mega Family. The mega family star sai dharam tej even unfollowed allu arjun on social media, stoking the flames. Allu Arjun's detractors reached a climax on X and instagram with constant bashing.

Even worse, pushpa 2: The Rule, the much awaited movie, will now be released in december (tentatively) instead of august 15th. For allu arjun and his supporters, this postponement is a major blow because the first release date had great box office potential. december may not be as profitable as the weekend around Independence Day. All in all, allu arjun is having a difficult time right now. If pushpa 2 doesn't turn into a massive hit, he may be entering a difficult phase.

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