Chiranjeevi Should Learn from Vijay Sethupathi

Without question, one of the biggest stars in indian movie history is Chiranjeevi. His exceptional breadth as an actor has made a lasting impression on the business. But in the past few years, films like Acharya, Godfather, and Bholaa shankar have squandered Chiru's enormous ability. His full ability has not been fully utilized in these films. Maharaja, Vijay Sethupathi's most recent film, is doing very well at the box office both in tamil and telugu and has received a lot of praise from critics.

Sethupathi gives a remarkable performance in Maharaja. The movie starts in his typical manner but quickly transforms into a potent demonstration of his skills as an action hero and a sophisticated actor. He picked an interesting part for his 50th movie and gave an iconic performance. social media users are debating how chiranjeevi would be ideal for films like Maharaja at this point in his career. They believe that if chiru had directed Maharaja, the movie would have shattered every record set by his last several box office hits.
Supporters wish for chiranjeevi to choose parts that genuinely reflect his brilliance and notoriety. It's time for him to stop making films that only feature cheesy comedies, ill-fitting love stories, cliched action sequences, and formulaic dance routines. He's outgrown that stage and ought to pursue other acting opportunities. chiranjeevi doesn't have to be concerned about his fans' reaction to his playing varied parts. A new generation of Gen-Z viewers will be drawn to his films that are dark, edgy, and unconventional, and his followers will change with him. Taking a different approach to formulaic films will revitalize his career and draw in new fans.

It's time for chiranjeevi to make an impression with unorthodox roles and endeavors. In terms of becoming a celebrity, he has already accomplished everything and has nothing more to prove. He can still achieve a great deal more as an actor, though. He can find previously undiscovered data-facets of his expertise by working with up-and-coming, modern filmmakers. He must push himself outside his comfort zone. chiranjeevi may take on daring and difficult roles that will inspire future generations and help redefine his legacy.

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