India entered Super League of Space Powers by doing this: PM Modi

New Delhi sources stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Wednesday that India can now defend itself in space as its scientists had mastered the anti-satellite technology by shooting down a live low earth orbit satellite. Meanwhile by doing so and that too in just three minutes India had entered the elite club of space countries USA, China and Russia and the satellite was orbiting at an altitude of 300 kilometers. 

Furthermore the Prime Minister addressed the nation to announce this after an unprecedented advertisement on Twitter about an “important message” he had to give to the country. Apparently government sources told that the A-Sat weapon was launched at 11.16 am on Wednesday and targeted an Indian satellite which had been decommissioned.  Reportedly the Prime Minister said in his address to the nation “This is a big moment for India. We should be proud of it. We can not only defend ourselves on land, water and air but also now in space and this has made India a stronger nation.”

Prime Minister said “The operation that proved India's ability to secure itself from any space attack was called Mission Shakti and the missile was launched from the Defense Research and Development Organization's testing unit in Odisha's Balasore. Moreover the Prime Minister's announcement came as the country enters the active campaigning phase to the general elections that begin on April 11 and end on May 19 and counting of votes on May 23.

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