NTR races against time to keep his word to fans!

teja surya
Young Tiger NTR's recent film, Temper was a good hit but then the movie released in the dry February season and collected less at the box office than what it deserves. This is the biggest complaint about NTR since ages. He always miss good timing to release his films and so the movies will suffer. Recently fans brought it to his notice and he promised to correct it with his next, Maa Nannaku Prematho.

Maa Nannaku Prematho

The movie was planned for Sankranthi 2016 release which is the biggest season for Telugu films. However the movie which was to begin couple of months ago kept on postponing due to financial and visa problems. However now the problems are sorted out and the movie is all set to go on floors from July 6th in London. The movie unit will now have to race against the time to release the film for Sankranthi as planned.

The shooting in London will be the biggest schedule for the movie and will go on there till September 20th. The movie unit will then shift to another foreign country for a 20 days schedule. After completing the abroad shoots, the team will come back to Hyderabad for a 20 days shoot. With that the entire shooting part will be complete. We will have to see if NTR keeps his word to fans!

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