Chiru, Cherry to watch 'Zanjeer'

N. pramod

Mega fans are delighted with their hero Ram Charan's Bollywood debut project cleared of all legal hassles. Now the filmmakers are hurrying to release the film before the interest in the film decreases. Buzz is film will be releasing either in the third week of Aug or early Sep. 

Director of the film Apoorva Lakhia tweeted that he will be coming soon to Hyderabad to show the first cut of the film to Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Mega Star Chiranjeevi. He tweeted , “Hyd yet again…. Second home or what. Showing charan the rough first cut of both films…..Chiru sir watching too. Should I be nervous?”.

The movie whcih  is the remake of 1973 blockbuster, Zanjeer will see RamCharan romancing pretty beauty Priyanka Chopra. Film is titled Toofan in Telugu. Sri Hari is playing important role in the film. 

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