Overall developed North East region: PM Modi is proud!

Overall developed North east region: PM Modi is proud!


Prime minister Modi has expressed pride that the northeastern parts of the country have developed as a whole. prime minister Modi said that the Northeast region, which was neglected for many years after independence, is developing as a whole, and that the Northeast region of the country has changed from a desert to a prosperous region.

In an exclusive interview with the assam Tribune news website, prime minister Modi said that he has full faith in the talents of the youth of the region in all fields for the overall development of the North East.

Prime minister Modi said that after independence, the unclaimed states were pushed to the margins and successive congress governments treated the people of the North-East as a substitute child. He alleged that their electoral gains in the region were very low. For them (Congress), the Northeast was too far away. Working for its development was also difficult. But when we formed the government, we took a firm stand to change the situation in the North East. The prime minister said that we have replaced the isolated North east with the policy of integration.

PM Modi proudly said that it is a visible fact that we have ended the isolated North east in the last 10 years and developed it as India's gateway to the East. The prime minister pointed out that he has visited the North east almost 70 times, which is more than the total number of trips made by all the Prime Ministers before him. Since 2015, Union Ministers have visited the Northeast more than 680 times. We have given government at people's doorstep. He said that we have changed their thinking that we have been neglected.

PM Modi also said that today, North east has emerged as the biggest success story of New India. In the last five years, our investments for the development of the region are almost four times more than what was allocated by the congress government or any other previous government in the past, PM Modi said. He also listed the welfare schemes undertaken by the bjp regime in the North Eastern regions. prime minister Modi said efforts were made to win the confidence of the people and ensure peace, while the insurgency in the northeastern states was significantly contained. A total of 11 peace agreements have been signed in the last 10 years. He also said that this is unprecedented progress.

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