"School Leave Vitachu" album song by Sofa Boy.

"School Leave Vitachu" album song by Sofa Boy.

For the first time kids celebrate, Sofa Boy remixes the "School Leave Withachu" album track.

Produced by Bereadymusic, the latest sensation, the little star Sofa Boy, has released the album song school Leave Withachu, directed by Tongli Jumbo, and composed by Musician Sudarshan, exclusively for kids, to celebrate this holiday season.

Little star Sofa Boy became internet famous recently with a single video. With eye-blinking speed, eloquent speech, and mesmerizing voice, his amazing sofa sale video went viral and became hugely popular in a single day. Not only the general public but also screen celebrities appreciated his talent and gave him many film opportunities.

Now, in its next step, Bereadymusic, which has been consistently amazing in releasing independent music albums, has produced and released an exclusive album for children featuring Sofa Boy. This album song, which is now released on the Internet, is being received by the fans and is becoming a chartbuster and is going viral.

Produced by Bereadymusic this video album song is written and composed by Sudarshan. The song is composed and directed by Tongli Jumbo who has created several hit album tracks. Choreographer Richie Richardson, who has choreographed many trending album songs, has choreographed the song.

For the first time in Tamil, this song is made exclusively for children, with children acting, but this song is meant to be enjoyed by all.

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