Actor Mansoor Alikhan, president of Democratic Tigers of India


Actor Mansoor Alikhan, president of Democratic Tigers of India

A to Z is me... I will cause a deluge... This is actor Mansoor ali Khan's guarantee. A to Z I will bring the symbol to the people and cause a great flood. Actor Mansoor ali Khan, president of Democratic Tigers of India, has said that he will make mountains green. Actor Mansoor Alikhan, president of Democratic Tigers of India, has said that I am not a Team B team and I am standing for the election to work for the people. Actor Mansoor ali Khan, who has launched a party called the Democratic Tigers of India, is campaigning with a plan to contest from the Vellore constituency. He went to the fish and curry market in Vellore to meet people and collect votes. Actor Mansoor Alikhan speaking to the media after interacting with people said: I don't need anyone to campaign for me. I'm going to win here. I am contesting here as many organizations and thousands of people have asked. DMK, Congress, and AIADMK ruled the country alternately for many years. But people remain beggars. Modi is conducting a theatrical election. Modi conducts elections after doing everything in advance. Let me tell you from the beginning. There is no need for a governor.

 The post of governor is unnecessary. You are going to be seen in front of people. No one spoke against the voting machine. If I go to Parliament, I will ask for elections to be held through ballot papers. This is pseudo-democracy; Cheating. bjp does not have a B team for AIADMK. A to Z I will bring the symbol to the people and cause a great flood. I will participate in the candidate introduction meeting today. DMK uses the Anna symbol to cheat and raise a family. When this happens, I struggle alone. A Tema B Tema will be known later. I will make the mountains green. More lakes should be constructed in this district this was said by actor Mansoor ali Khan, President of Democratic Tigers of India

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