Balakrishna’s son debut film with Boyapati Srinu..?
For years, Nandamuri admirers have been anticipating Nandamuri Mokshagna's tollywood debut. balakrishna has consistently made references to his son's arrival, and there have been numerous stories about the actor's debut with various tollywood filmmakers, but nothing appears to have happened as of yet.While Mokshagna's debut announcement is still pending, Nandamuri supporters currently have reason to celebrate. boyapati srinu has been announced as the director of Mokshagna's launch film, according to industry insiders. Soon, a formal announcement will be made.Boyapati is currently preoccupied with the post-production work for Ram's movie Skandha, but once it is released, he will primarily start working on Mokshagna's launch project. boyapati srinu and balakrishna get along incredibly well both personally and professionally. One tollywood director balayya holds in the highest regard is Boyapati. Simha, Legend, and akhanda are just a few of the blockbusters and superhits that the combo has produced; they will soon work together on another movie. Given the close relationship the balayya has with boyapati, it makes sense that he has entrusted this task to his most dependable director. As NBK expressed, it appears that the stage is prepared for another Nandamuri family star.