What is the status of engineering colleges in India?

S Venkateshwari
What is the status of engineering colleges in India?

There are more than four and a half thousand engineering colleges in India. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) of the government of india releases the list of top-100 engineering colleges in the country every year. The special thing is that most of these are government colleges. These include 21 indian Institutes of technology (IITs) and 21 National Institutes of technology (NITs).

Apart from this, it is worth noting that none of the top-100 engineering colleges in India is even included in the list of the 150 best colleges in the world. According to UC News, tamil Nadu's Vellore Institute of technology (VIT) is the first indian engineering college at rank 163 in the list of top engineering colleges in the world.

What is the future of engineering graduates?

The future looks bleak for engineering graduates. The rapid increase in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools will eliminate many low-skill programming roles. In 2019, The Aspiring Mind (now SHL) surveyed 170,000 graduates from 750 colleges. Shockingly, the study revealed that only 3% of engineers had the competencies required for AI-related jobs.

Even after graduating and getting jobs in India's big companies, many engineers find it difficult to upgrade their skills. There is often a lack of encouragement for continuous skill improvement and 'learning while doing'.

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