Shilpa Shetty Kundra has been posting on her social media page about the things for which she is thankful. shilpa had previously shared a photo with her children Viaan and Samisha, but her most recent picture shows her in a sun-kissed appearance. On her account, the Hungama 2 actress frequently shares her insights with her followers, leaving them motivated. Shilpa's latest thankfulness series has piqued admirers' interest in the topics she'll be writing upon.
Shilpa came to social media such as data-facebook on saturday to show a picture of herself deep in thought. shilpa appeared beautiful as the sun shone on her data-face. The Hungama 2 actress rejoiced in the minor pleasures of life and was appreciative for them. She's wearing a white tee with a death stare necklace and another ruby necklace in the picture. The actress captioned the photo, " "Because when the sun shines, everything is fine."
Shilpa previously uploaded a video on makar sankranti gifting tilgul ladoos to her admirers. Fans were enthralled by the footage, and the star appeared to be having a good time at the festival. She's been cheering on her sister Shamita Shetty, who is participating on bigg boss 15, recently. shilpa was most recently shown in Hungama 2 alongside Meezaan, Paresh Rawal, and Pranitha Subhash.