Which nutrients are necessary for good sleep?

frame Which nutrients are necessary for good sleep?

S Venkateshwari
Which nutrients are necessary for good sleep?

If you do not sleep at night or your sleep is interrupted frequently, then it is possible that your diet is lacking some essential nutrients. These nutrients are very important for good sleep:

Magnesium: It relaxes the muscles and reduces stress, which helps you sleep well.

Calcium: It helps the brain to make melatonin using tryptophan. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep.

Vitamin D: It regulates your sleep and wake cycle.

Tryptophan: It is an amino acid that helps make serotonin. Serotonin relaxes you and helps you sleep well. Tryptophan is found in things like turkey, banana and milk.

How to include these nutrients in your diet?

Magnesium: Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds

Calcium: Milk, yogurt, cheese

Vitamin D: Sunlight, fish, eggs

Tryptophan: Turkey, banana, milk, nuts

If you include these nutrients in your diet, the quality of sleep can improve.

What should and should not be eaten before sleeping?

Dr mukesh Goyal, Senior Consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, said, one should not eat too much fried, spicy or heavy food before sleeping. This can cause stomach upset and you will not be able to sleep. Tea, coffee, alcohol and sweet things should also not be consumed as they can spoil your sleep. Instead, eat light food before sleeping. Such as: oatmeal, banana, warm milk. These things will relax you and help you get good sleep.

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