What is the effect of lack of sleep on heart health?

frame What is the effect of lack of sleep on heart health?

S Venkateshwari
What is the effect of lack of sleep on heart health?

If you do not get good sleep at night, then your heart can be at risk. If you sleep less continuously, then many types of problems can occur in your body which can harm your heart.

Lack of sleep increases stress hormones in the body, which can increase your blood pressure and increase the risk of heart diseases. Less sleep can lead to weight gain and you may also be at increased risk of diabetes. Both these things are harmful to your heart. Lack of sleep can increase inflammation in the body, which can damage your arteries and increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. For a healthy heart, you should get 7 to 9 hours of good sleep every day.

What should be done to reduce stress and improve sleep?

Dr. mukesh Goyal says that if you are stressed and you cannot sleep, then these methods should be adopted. Taking slow and deep breaths will calm your mind and give you relaxation. Meditating for a while every day will calm your mind and reduce tension. Doing yoga will also keep both body and mind healthy.

Apart from this, exercise should be done daily. Walking, swimming or any other exercise will improve your mood and reduce tension. Sleeping and waking up at the same time every day will help you sleep well. You should make it a habit to read a book before sleeping, take a hot bath or do something else that relaxes you. You should not watch mobile or tv at all before sleeping. Your room should be dark and a little cool so that you can sleep well.

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