Actor kajal aggarwal shared her first glimpse of Kannappa, which also features prabhas and Akshay Kumar. Kajal posted her appearance as Parvati Devi on Instagram. In addition, she described playing a part in Kannappa as a "dream role". kajal aggarwal was shown on the billboard with a white saree and a lot of jewelry. "Mother who rules over the three worlds!" was the slogan on the poster. The Trishakti who keeps her followers safe! The holy Jana Prasunambika is housed at the revered Sri kalahasti temple.
Kajal captioned the post, "A dream role indeed! Happy to be starting 2025 on this divine note #Kannappa #HarHarMahadev #MAAParvatiDevi." Reacting to her post, actor tamannaah bhatia commented, "So beautiful." At the same time, some netizens trolled her by asking which Goddess wears Low Hip and someone trolled "Kadavule Kajale" like "Kadavule Ajithey"
Mukesh Kumar Singh is the director of Kannappa, which is produced by 24 frames factory and AVA Entertainment, both of which are owned by vishnu Manchu. prabhas, Preity Mukhundhan, Mohanlal, Mohan Babu, R Sarathkumar, Brahmanandam, Madhoo, and mukesh rishi are present in the movie. The film will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, and English, among other languages. One of Lord Shiva's most ardent followers, the mythical warrior Kannappa, is at the center of the tale. He was given the honorific title of Nayanar for his transition from hunter to warrior to saint.