Healthy heart is a must to stay long



Exchange those cheese omelet’s for a heart healthy breakfast of oats. Oats are said to contain a type of fiber that helps to bind bile acids and expel them from the body. These bile acids are made from cholesterol. A diet that includes oats is effective in lowering the cholesterol levels in our body. Oats are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.  


This is the best news ever. Munching on a handful of nuts can do wonders for your heart. It does not mean that you should finish off that box of salted cashews. But it is a good idea to exchange your mid-meal snack with some assorted nuts. Almonds, walnuts and many more nuts are now considered to be the super foods in promoting heart health.   


Salmon is easy to cook and may be included in your meal as a sandwich filling, cold cuts, in sushi or even the filet as a main course. No other common fish has such great amounts of Omega 3 as salmon.

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