Positions of Sleeping


Side Sleepers

Doctors encourage sleeping on the left side during pregnancy because it improves circulation to the heart, which benefits both mom and baby. Side sleeping is also a pregnancy winner because sleeping on the back puts pressure on the lower back (which can lead to fainting) and stomach-sleeping is impossible for obvious.

Stomach Sleepers

Resting on the tummy is widely regarded as the worst sleeping position. It flattens the natural curve of the spine, which can lead to lower back pain. Sleeping all night with the head turned to one side also strains the neck. If this is the preferred position, try using pillows to gradually train the body to sleep on one side.

Back Sleepers

When we sleep on our backs, gravity forces the base of the tongue to collapse into the airway, which obstructs breathing and creates oh so pleasant snoring noises that keeps the neighbors up at night. It’s also worth noting that a supported spine doesn’t always necessarily mean a good night’s sleep.

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