What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Ripe Bananas

Kiran Vimala

Banana is known for many health benefits. It is a low calorie fruit, rich in starch which provides energy.Bananas can be effective against diarrhea, and reduce cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, or certain types of cancer. However, the state of the banana is also important to know if the nutrients are still well preserved. Some people do not like over-ripe bananas, because of the presence of brown spots on the skin of the fruit.

According to recent studies, overripe bananas are much more efficient because they contain a substance called “tumor necrosis factor” (TNF: Tumor Necrosis Factor), which has the capacity to act against abnormal cells. In addition, over the brown spots are present in the fruit, the greater its ability to strengthen the immune system is high. On the other hand, a Japanese study showed that TNF present in ripe bananas has effective anti-cancer properties and strengthens the immune system. Japanese researchers concluded that regular consumption of bananas could prevent diseases such as cancer.

Bananas with brown spots are high in sugar 

The bananas are not ripe yet also contain TNF but at low doses and therefore not as effective against the abnormal cells. The nutrient content varies with fruit ripening. The more it matures, the greater the amount of antioxidants increases. Bananas with brown spots are high in sugar and therefore not recommended for diabetics.

Japanese scientists have also researched other ripe fruits such as grapes grains, apples, watermelons, pineapples or pears. They concluded that only ripe bananas were the most effective. They stimulate the production of white blood cells, stimulate metabolism and produce TNF. It is therefore recommended to eat at least one or two bananas a day to boost the immune system and prevent certain diseases (flu, cold …).

In addition, bananas with brown spots contain TNF-alpha which is 8 times more effective than green bananas.Scientists often compare bananas lentinan, an immunostimulant administered intravenously that acts against cancerous tumors. Therefore, over-ripe bananas can act as anti-cancer agents and can stimulate the production of white blood cells that prevent cell mutation.

Put your overripe bananas in the refrigerator to preserve their nutrients. However, avoid the bananas with a fully or too dark brown skin.

Source: healthylifestyleteam.com

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