Mole Bad Effects: These 5 mole on the body are considered inauspicious, from married life to love life trouble

Mole Bad Effects: These 5 mole on the body are considered inauspicious, from married life to love life trouble

There is definitely a mole somewhere on the body of any person. It is considered common, but in oceanography, mole is seen by associating with the life and activities of a person. It is said to be auspicious or inauspicious.

Mole Bad Effects: These 5 mole on the body are considered inauspicious, from married life to love life, troubled

Moles Effects on Life: Every person has a mole somewhere on his body. A lot has been written about sesame seeds in oceanography. In this, from the sign of mole to their effects on life, they have been told. According to this, the mole made on the body of any woman or man is good and some are considered inauspicious. Their effect affects their marital life to family and love life. The person has to data-face many problems. Let us know in which places in the oceanography, it is inauspicious to have a mole ...

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Mole on the left eye

If a person has a mole on his left eye. Such a person has to data-face all the problems in love life. Lifetime remains from the spouse to life. At the same time, a lot of ups and downs have to be seen in life. According to Jyotishacharya Preetika Mojumdar, many times they can lose their temper in a family environment. This also affects the image of a person.

Mole on the chin

Whichever woman has a mole on her chin. They do not like to meet anyone more. people take this behavior as a brunt. This is the reason why such women are not able to easily reconcile with anyone. Due to this, there is an updown in their married life.

Sesame on lips

According to Samudra Shastra, people who have mole on their lips. They have to data-face difficulties in married life. Such people talk a lot. This is their only habit as an enemy, due to which there is a fight and estrangement on small matters. However, they can balance life by getting control over their speech.

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Mole on the left knee

Whichever person has mole on his left knee. On the family front, such people have to data-face all the problems. In such people, misunderstandings about partners remain. Because of this, there are many fights in marital life.

Sesame on the little finger

According to oceanography, if there is a mole in the small finger of someone's hand, then it is considered inauspicious. It affects any person. Although talking about economic matters, such people remain rich, but their love life is spoiled.

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