How to cure Dry cough during Rainy season...?

Sindujaa D N

Cough is one of the most common problems that everyone data-faces in their lifetime. 

If the cough is caused by a common cold problem they do not cause much discomfort. But whooping cough is more harmful. This abuse is especially common at night. This can cause difficulty in breathing. Let's look at the remedy mentioned in Ayurvedic medicine for this dry cough.

Ayurvedic remedy for dry cough

The ayurvedic doctor explains the simple remedies to be done in Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough. G.K.Tarajayasree BAMS.

Dry cough is usually caused by a viral infection of the nose and throat. There are Ayurvedic treatments for this dry cough. Let’s take a look at these simple treatments.

Turmeric in warm water

Mix turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey in a tumbler of hot water and drink this mixture several times daily. The dry cough will gradually subside if drunk from time to time without bulk. Drink several times to get relief.

Pepper with cumin powder

Both dry ginger powder and peppermint can help with a dry cough. For dry cough mix two teaspoons and 2 teaspoons of pepper and 2 teaspoons of honey. This paste should be eaten three times a day after meals. This will relieve dry cough and runny nose.

Sukku drink

Sukku powder - 1 tbsp

Sesame powder - half a teaspoon

Pepper- half a teaspoon

Distil a tumbler of milk, add all three and bring to a boil. You can swig this liquid twice a day. The cough gradually drinks at least once.

Honey with camphor

Camphor leaves - 3

Honey - half a teaspoon

You can clean the camphor leaf and add a few drops of honey and chew it. Growing children can mash it and take the juice and mix it with honey.


Sprinkle with cinnamon. Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and add a quarter teaspoon of pepper. Mix both in ghee and eat three times daily. You can see the cough gradually coming under control.

Garlic tea

Garlic works best for dry cough. Peel a squash, grate it and compress the garlic. Bring the water to a boil and add the chopped or crushed garlic. Once the mixture boils well, add a teaspoon of honey and drink. Drink three times a day for best relief if dry cough is high.

Dry cough with shortness of breath

This tea made with the roots of liquorice will help you if you are suffering from respiratory problems. Boil a teaspoon of liquorice in a tumbler of water Take it down and add honey if needed.

Basil leaf

Basil is not only good for dry cough but also for cold. Extract the basil leaf and mix it with a pinch of turmeric, a few drops of fresh lemon juice, and sweetened honey. It fights against allergies and infections.

Cough and runny nose

The best home remedy for chronic cough and cold is to mix gooseberry powder with honey. Taken regularly, it strengthens the body's immune system. Will be without infection. Dry cough can be prevented from becoming serious by consulting a doctor if it is due to another serious cause of health problems.

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