Hi-tech prostitution with a secret code!!
It is now known that prostitution can be done in such an armored and high-tech manner with a definite plan. The situation can only be understood if the police are shocked at their planning. banking Transactions ‘OTP’ is mandatory when cash transfer mobile recharge. This will benefit the consumer. Now prostitution operators are also pursuing high-tech prostitution following this OTP policy.
It is surprising that the authorities say that the brokers are doing this to escape the clutches of the police. However, customers are only allowed to meet sex workers after sharing the secret code.
He met the woman by special code after agreeing to pay Rs 15,000 per night. However, the customer went into the woman's room with a specific code display. This is the first time that prostitution has been carried out in such an armed manner. The police have cracked their technology and cracked the apps. Prostitution manager. Ugandan female customers detained by police. Another man was on the run, police said.