India Counters Pakistan at IPU.!

Sindujaa D N
During the 148th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, india reiterated its firm stance against Pakistan's rhetoric on democracy and terrorism. rajya sabha Deputy Chairman, Harivansh, delivered a robust rebuttal, dismissing Pakistan's critiques as unfounded and hypocritical.

Asserting India's position as the world's largest democracy, Harivansh criticized Pakistan's attempt to lecture on democratic principles while grappling with its own democratic deficiencies. He condemned Pakistan's misuse of international forums like the IPU, urging Islamabad to refrain from tarnishing their credibility with baseless allegations.

Addressing Pakistan's assertions regarding Jammu and Kashmir, Harivansh reaffirmed India's unwavering stance, declaring the region's inseparable status within India. He rebuffed any attempts to challenge this fact through propaganda or misinformation campaigns.

In response to Pakistan's support for cross-data-border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, Harivansh urged Islamabad to dismantle its terrorist infrastructure. He reminded IPU members of Pakistan's history of harboring terrorists and exploiting them for malicious purposes, underscoring the urgency for pakistan to halt its backing of terrorist activities.

Harivansh's remarks underscored India's commitment to upholding democratic principles and combating terrorism on the international stage. By challenging Pakistan's narrative and advocating for peace and stability in the region, india demonstrated its resolve to protect its sovereignty and promote global security.

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