No Bail for Dileep? Kerala Court does it for third time!

frame No Bail for Dileep? Kerala Court does it for third time!

The anticipatory pretrial hearing for star dileep in the kerala actress rape case has been rescheduled for friday, january 22. The preliminary hearing for anticipatory bail was scheduled for today, but the Top court delayed it till friday after the prosecutor requested more time to finish its investigation. The prosecution asked more time to conclude the investigation due to numerous major innovations in the case. The actor Dileep's preliminary appeal has been delayed for the third time.

The actor would also not be arrested till the anticipatory bail request is heard, as ordered by the court previously. In a 2017 case of assault and kidnapping of an actor, he was seeking interim relief in the case of collusion against investigative agents with the purpose to injure. There have been various additional twists and turns since director Balachandra Kumar presented new details to the case. Dileep, according to the director, planned the victim's attack and had multiple incriminating films.

Earlier, bhavana who has been the victim in this case has got a huge support from several stars in the film industry and she said it has not been an easy journey after being gang raped in 2017. The actress also requester the chief minister of kerala to provide her justice as she vented out her sufferings.

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