What kind of diet should you have for your heart?The past one year has witnessed the dreadful havoc of heart attack. It took away many famous personalities from us one after the other. Is this a dangerous warning that now heart attack can make anyone its victim, anytime? In the last three years, deaths due to heart attack have increased significantly in India. According to the report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), in 2022 alone, the number of people dying from heart attack has increased by 12%.
Which food items increase the risk of heart attack?
Dr mukesh Goyal, Senior Consultant (Cardiothoracic and heart & lung Transplant Surgery) at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, said, heart attack has become less common today. Some food items are not good for your heart and can increase the risk of heart attack. These should be avoided. Food items rich in trans fat and saturated fat such as dip-fried items, processed snacks, packaged cookies and cakes increase the risk of heart attack. These can increase the level of bad cholesterol, which can block the arteries.
Eating too much sugar can increase blood pressure and can also lead to obesity. This puts additional pressure on the heart. Eating too much salt can also increase blood pressure and cause heart problems.
Processed meat, red meat and full-fat dairy products should be consumed in small quantities. Instead, omega-3 rich items like fatty fish, nuts and avocado should be eaten. Along with this, whole grains like wheat, brown rice, oats can also be consumed. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also good for health. These food items help in keeping the heart healthy and reducing the risk of heart attack.