Foods that give Healthy and glowing skin

I Kannaiah

Taking healthy food it will not only give you good health but also helps in a healthy and a glowing skin. If you take unhealthy food this may put your skin at risk.There are few foods which have to be added in your health that give good health and glowing skin.



Adding Tomatoes in daily diet will give you a healthy skin. Tomato contains a lycopene whi prevents the skin from Ultra Voilet Rays . This also produces hormones that put a break to the pimples. Lycopene reduces carotenoids.         

Green Tea

Green tea gives glowing skin. Take three cups of green tea .dehydro testerone present in the body will produce pimples. Green tea will reduce the DHT and at the same time fights the pimples.


Berries contains anti oxidants that fight the pre radicals. Taking berries help in reducing the stress. Taking various kinds of berries such as blue berry, cherry will give a healthy skin and give a glowing skin.

Sea foods

Taking sea foods, especially adding fish in the diet  will give a glowing skin. Reduces pimples and vanishes the folds on the data-face. The Omega 3 fatty acids contained in the fish will reduce the inflammatory chemicals that are harmful to the skin.


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