Telangana Hyderabad - Facial recognition likely for TS EAPCET

The jawaharlal nehru Technological university (JNTU)-Hyderabad is planning to implement facial recognition in the telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Pharmacy Common Entrance Test (TS EAPCET), which is set for May 7–11. The goal is to prevent impersonation and improve the integrity of the test.
The new function, which is currently in test-run mode, synchronizes a student's photo taken before the entrance exam starts time with the photo entered in the program. If the student's photo matches the one on the registration form, they will be allowed to take the exam. To guarantee that only legitimate students take the test, specialized software has been created for this purpose.

Each year, in addition to collecting biometric fingerprint information and pictures that are manually cross-verified, the JNTU-H, which administers the TS EAPCET, checks applicants' credentials, including their admission card and valid identity card. During the admissions counselling, these biometric facts and photos are checked one more to make sure there is no imitation. This time, before the exam starts, software is used to verify the impersonation.
For the TS EAPCET 2024, a new data-face comparison function is being proposed. sunday is the last planned test run. It would be included in tests this year, if not next year, provided all goes according to plan, government sources informed india Herald.

The A&P entrance exam is scheduled for May 7-8 and the engineering test is from May 9-11. As many as 3,54,393 students registered for the entrance test till the last count on Saturday.
Of the total, 2,54,158 students enrolled for the engineering stream, 99,890 for A&P and 345 for both engineering and A&P. The last date to apply with a late fee of Rs 5,000 is May 1. Admit cards will be available for download on from april 29.

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