Seasonal changes affects skin badly


Treating rashes 

In the usual course, a heat rash will disappear on its own within a few days. In a few exceptional cases, if the rash lasts for more than three to four days or gets worse with time, one should immediately consult a doctor as it could indicate a bacterial, fungal or viral infection. 

Treating Hives 

If there's no improvement with antihistamines, one should immediately contact the doctor. Left ignored, in some rare cases, hives can blow up into a much serious condition called anaphylaxis. Keep on the lookout for symptoms like dizziness, tongue or data-face swelling, shortness of breath, tightening of the throat or wheezing. 

How to treat Athlete's Foot

OTC antifungal creams like Lamisil and Lotrimin can bring immediate relief and continuous application can clear away the condition. However if the symptoms seem to persist, one may want to visit the doctor for a prescription of antifungal creams or pills. 

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