Corona for 90% of people..!? Chinese government is shaken..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Corona for 90% of people..!? Chinese government is shaken..!?
An important problem has erupted to scare the Chinese government while the increasing corona infection in china is frightening the world countries. While the Chinese government has been announcing a lockdown due to the corona infection, the Chinese government has relaxed the lockdown restrictions following a large public protest. With this relaxation, the corona infection in china is increasing and facing many deaths every day. In the meantime, the Corona epidemic is raging in China's major cities.
Nearly 90 percent of the people in Henan, China's third most populous province, are now infected with the coronavirus, a top official of the country's health department said on Monday. Although the spread of the coronavirus began in china, china is facing a rapid spread of the virus that has not been seen in the last 2 waves. In this situation, 90 percent of people in Henan province have been affected by corona infection.
Gan Quancheng, director of the health Commission of Central Henan Province, said at a press conference on monday morning that Henan Province's covid infection rate is 89.0 percent as of january 6, 2023. As China's 3rd largest province with a population of 99.4 million, statistics show that about 88.5 million people in Henan may now be infected with the virus. The Chinese government is currently in a state of fear because there are no opportunities to treat the 88.5 million people who are currently infected in the hospital if the condition worsens. Henan province is causing fear as china already lacks enough facilities to treat the coronavirus victims. Thus there are more chances to announce a lockdown again in China.
China's zero-covid policy took the decision last month to lift years of lockdowns, quarantines, and mass testing after popular protests. The Chinese economy, manufacturing, trade, and exports have all been affected not only by the zero-covid policy but also by nationwide protests and the lack of access to basic necessities.
They expressed strong opposition to this project through protests. More importantly, china is going to celebrate the Lunar New Year this month, which is the main festival of the year for the people of the country, and people in big cities will go to their hometowns. It is predicted that the corona infection will reach its peak in all parts of china after the holiday. About 34.7 million people traveled from one region to another in china on saturday alone for this festival.

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