No Wedding, No BF, Only Vacation -Nithya Menen

Recently, there have been widespread speculations that the talented lead actress Nithya Menen is getting married to her actor fiancé. Since then, there have been numerous persistent rumours on the same, but finally, the actress has made the decision to provide full transparency. Making her point plain, Nithya stated, "There is nothing like marriage and there is no one in the photo," adding that these rumours were spread by someone for fun and boredom and taken up by other media outlets without any further investigation.
"I've taken a break from work now as I have worked without taking a leave of absence for a year, and five to six more of my projects are getting ready for release," she continued. But that hiatus has nothing to do with marriage or anything else. I'm taking a break because I can't work continually, mechanically, like a robot. Nithya Menen, who is recovering from an ankle ailment and preparing for her typical international trip, declares, "My vacation has just begun."
Actually, the protagonist has provided clarification because it is claimed that she is receiving several calls from wedding photographers and event planners who want to cover the occasion. She ends by saying, "Nothing like that is occurring; please don't phone me."

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