Safety tips for Women walking at night


Don't go out late at night. Don't dress in short clothes. Don't walk down deserted roads. Don't go into dark corners. Keep your keys in your hand. Look over your shoulder if you think someone is following you. Call someone instantly; know where the exit points are at all times. No, these are not rules for an entry into some prison. If you are a woman, you probably have been taught all of these as a child.


We are told that outside spaces are unsafe. That going out late at night is a risk. That you cannot stroll down at 2 A.M at night without fearing for your life. As much as you choose to, or not choose to believe in these, society conditions you to these factors. It becomes so normalized that you don't think about why it is a problem.

On Twitter, a user recently asked, "Ladies, a question for you: "What would you do if all men had a 9 PM curfew?" And the answers brought to light just how much of doing ordinary everyday things is restricted.

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