Meet Manisha Raisinghani a talented and successful women Entrepreneur
In January 2014, the duo quit their jobs and invested over $70K into building a product from ground up in about six-seven months. She became interested by the ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation) software used by trucks in the UPS for logistics, she along with Dhruvil Sanghvi, who had attended the course with her, got thinking how they could replicate the UPS technology in other countries.
Thus, was born LogiNext Solutions in august 2014. A year later, about 60 companies have started using its services including the likes of flipkart and Paytm. In its latest round, it has snapped $10 Mn funding from Paytm. She became interested by the ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation) software used by trucks in the UPS for logistics.