Sex on the Beach Cocktail Recipes

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 The Sex on the Beach is one of the most popular and widely known cocktails. Almost anyone can make it, here is how to mix it. Step 1: You will need  50 ml vodka  150 ml orange juice  25 ml peach liqueur  1 dash grenadine  1 cherry  ice cubes Step 2: Prepare the cocktail Add 3 ice cubes to the cocktail shaker, followed by the vodka, peach liqueur and orange juice. Put on the lid and shake well. Tap the lid to loosen it, remove and attach the strainer. Add 3 ice cubes to the highball glass and strain the cocktail over the ice. Finally, add the dash of grenadine for the perfect sex on the beach cocktail. Step 3: Present the cocktail Slice a groove in the bottom of the cherry and place it on the side of the glass. Add the straw and serve.  Now relax and enjoy our Sex on the Beach Cocktail. 

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