University Student eats dog food once a day to save money!!


People get very creative when it comes to saving money. people work twice as hard to earn a few extra bucks, while some even cut down on daily necessities as much as possible to save money. In student life, the last day of the month of most of the students staying away from home is like this. 

Eat dog food to save money

In student life, when money has come from home, then every hobby wants to be fulfilled. But when the money runs out before the end of the month, then all kinds of gambling have to be done. However, in the matter of juggling about food and drink, a university student thought so far, which we cannot even imagine. The university student has confessed that he eats dog food for breakfast, lunch or dinner in hopes of saving some money.

This is how it started

The man wrote in one of his notes, "So I am a student at the moment. Since I broke down badly, I resorted to free dog food. It started when my friend challenged me to eat dog food. Granted, then I started eating dog food and I liked it. Since that day I eat dog food at least once a day. Note that this is dry food given to dogs, I have never used wet Didn't try to eat the food."

He explained the reaction of his friends and flatmates, saying, "When one of my friends came into my room and saw the pile of dog food, he asked me about it. I told him it was for me." And he just said 'What the F***'". He took this question to reddit and asked other people if it is healthy to eat dog food instead of human food at all?

people gave their opinion

Many people were stunned to read this confession. One wrote, "Cheap dog food contains heavy ingredients, which are difficult to digest. After eating it you will defecate more and you will not get the required nutrients." It is also not subject to the same rules as human food . It often consists of the upper parts of animals such as chicken beak, bones, feathers etc.

Dog food made from quality ingredients will not have these issues, but it will be expensive. The money-saving purpose for which this is being done will not be fulfilled. Many also suggested that individuals try eating rice or beans, which may be available for less money. 

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