Elon Musk fired LGBTQ leaders..!? Woke Mind Virus..!

Sowmiya Sriram
Elon Musk fired LGBTQ leaders..!? Woke Mind Virus..!

The head of tesla, the world's largest electric car maker, has been on a series of layoffs. Elon Musk has already garnered large-scale protests by dismissing not only key top executives but also key leaders in the LGBTQ community, as he has already laid off 14 percent of his staff beyond the 10 percent he announced.
Tesla, led by Elon Musk, has fired both its LGBTQ + community leader and its diversity and inclusive projects leader. While this is seen as part of Tesla's successive layoffs, Elon Musk's twitter posts have been widely accused of doing so in response to his "woke mind virus".
Bobby Beretta-Paris, who has been with tesla for the past five years, was fired last week. bobby Berretta-Paris was appointed recruiter and was promoted three times during his tenure.
 He was also the volunteer leader of LGBTQ + at Tesla. Elon Musk a few weeks ago forced all home-based employees to return to the office.
Elon Musk, on the one hand, is busy capturing twitter, but on the other hand, he is determined and ready to throw new problems in the head. Many condemned this action of Elon Musk.

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