Where did deepfakes start?

S Venkateshwari

Where did deepfakes start?

Divyendra Singh Jadoun - founder of The indian Deepfaker (TID) said, thatbetween the years 2017-18, a person named IPEROV created a tool using many algorithms, which was named DeepFaceLab. He also has a website. He had then created this for pornography content. To date, whoever has created deepfake photos, audio or video has used the code of this tool somewhere. It has a huge community that helps each other. In our country, just one text message on whatsapp manipulates people.

The Indian deepfaker Divyendra said, 'I once put salman Khan's data-face on the data-face of a Hyderabadi comedian on Moz. I had also written in the caption that this is a deepfake. Yet people were actually considering him as salman Khan. Then I realized that many people in india still do not know what these deepfake videos are. Meaning, thatif a video is made with the voice and facial expressions of a leader lip-syncing, then voters will believe that video.

Giving another example, the Indian deepfaker said, a photo had gone viral in which some players were protesting, that photo was edited with deepfake technology to show the sad data-faces of those players laughing and made it viral. So in this way, the entire context of that photo had changed. That means today a single image is enough to create a deepfake.

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