How to invite Goddess Lakshmi of Wealth to your home?


Decorate your entrance with flower vases, Bandhanwars, table oil lamps, artificial lights or paper door hangings right on the entry way. You should also paste Lakshmi footprints that are easily available in market. 

Keeping silver idols of Lakshmi and Ganesha in your home is considered to be very much beneficial. It is also believed that these idols should be worshiped daily.

Praying to Tulsi is another way to please Goddess Lakshmi as it is a symbol of Shri. Light a lamp near Tulsi and pray to the plant. It is said that all the Gods reside in those place where a Tulsi plant is grown. Use incense sticks to fill the atmosphere with vibrations. All your wishes will get fulfilled by worshiping Tulsi and immense merits will be accrued by paying obeisance to her.

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