Hyderabad Corporates in Depression

According to clinical data available with the experts of the cases of depression., out of 10 corporate employees surveyed across Hyderabad, five have suffered from depression. The survey revealed that 38.5 percent of the corporate employees sleeps less than six hours in a day due to high-stress level, tough targets set by employers leading to neurotic denial causing depression.

Medical Experts say that to beat the stress and ensure core strengthening it is important to exercise. But 57 percent of the employees says they do not exercise at all due to the lack of time. Incidentally, depression is more found in the productive age-group i.e., 55 percent fall in the age group of 20 to 29 years, 26 percent in 30 to 39 years, 16 percent in 40 to 49 years, 2 percent in 50 to 59 years and 1 percent in 60 to 69 years. 

This is a serious problem which should be addressed immediately. But due to lack of proper awareness and knowledge, only one in four people come out and seek help at the early stages and the others come when things are severe or after a suicide attempt.

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