MPs, Journalists justify being corrupt pointing low pay

Sekar Chandra
Sources have added that the new Lok Sabha has taken shape two years ago, Kharge has got an unenviable job, where he had to lead a party whose strength had come down to a fourth of its data-size in the Lok Sabha and somehow he makes the Congress appear bigger than the sum of its MPs.

It is stated that Tendulkar, on the other hand has hardly been there in the Rajya Sabha, never mind that the Rajya Sabha is where the action is and not the bat on ball action, but he could have tried to be a good parliamentarian.

The Opposition leader of Lok Sabha has told that if you think journalism does not pay, sell soap and if you think MPs’ salary is low, stick to whatever else you can do for more money and if you want to be in politics to serve the people, serve the people.

Meanwhile it is stated that it takes a business journalist to call a spade a rusted shovel, and point out that Mukesh Ambani, who runs India’s largest private sector company, has not given himself a salary hike in eight years and in that time, his company, Reliance Industries, has doubled its net profit. 

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