Hyderabadis trend the hashtag #MuslimsLoveJesus

Sekar Chandra
This is what India is proud of. Muslims wishing Christians and there is no separate religion here. Day before yesterday the whole city of Hyderabad was busy with Milad-un-Nabi which is the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad. The very next day, the birth of Jesus Christ was also celebrated.

In this case, Muslims took social media to celebrate Christmas and they tried to build a bridge between followers of two religions. Muslims from whole over the world posted on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #MuslimsLoveJesus.

Arif Mohammed

Muslims recite, "Peace be upon him" every time they refer to Jesus (PBUH). #MuslimsLoveJesus

— Arif Mohammed (@ArifuddinMoham1) December 25, 2015

Arif Mohammed who is a Hyderabad took Twitter to express his respect for Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He tweeted, "Muslims recite, "Peace be upon him" every time they refer to Jesus (PBUH). #MuslimsLoveJesus"

Syed Waseem Quadri who is working in IT said, "PBUH is an abbreviation for 'peace and blessing be upon him'. Like the Christians, Muslims too revere Jesus Christ. But unlike Christians we believe that he is a prophet. We Muslims don't make any distinction between any of his messengers."

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