Jagan should come out and learn from his mistakes..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Jagan should come out and learn from his mistakes..!?
* jagan should put his ego aside and come to the people.
* jagan still has to wake up and realize his mistake.
* jagan should know mistakes and increase positivity.
In 2019, ycp came to power with a record of 151 seats. But in 2024, it fell to 11 and created a worst record. ycp could not get at least ten percent of the seats, which means that jagan still needs to realize his mistakes and change. First, you need to know where the mistakes happened. If they want to know, the pictures should come out. Apologies to the defeated people. Efforts should be made for atonement. Do good deeds and get positive vibes like rahul gandhi on social media. That's it, but if I remain in power for five years, it means that I will show the same arrogance. Along with the party, Jagan's address will also be lost. jagan will not be able to come to the people for votes again. Even Chandrababu, pawan kalyan and lokesh will not come. But Jagan's mistakes are not the only reason for this situation. The leaders around him are also the main reason.
Jagan gathered those leaders around him. jagan, who thought that they would save him, finally succumbed to them. If jagan still believes in those leaders, not only jagan but also the party named after the late cm Rajasekhar Reddy, who is a leader loved by the people, who is their father with love, and who never knew defeat, has a chance to become completely strong. Even now, it is necessary to wake up, come out, and increase positivity among the people and find out where the original mistake was made and by whom and check them so that the mistake is not repeated. Let's see what jagan will do next!

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