Russia-Ukraine war may end! will Zelensky accept?

S Venkateshwari
Russia-Ukraine war may end! will Zelensky accept?

The war between russia and ukraine started in february 2022. This war has been going on for the last two and a half years. russia is constantly trying to suppress ukraine, which is less powerful than it. At the same time, ukraine is also standing strong on the battlefield with the help of Western countries. However, amid the despair spread all around due to the war, a ray of hope is now visible.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he is ready to end the war. But for this ukraine will have to accept some conditions. He wants russia and ukraine to come to the negotiating table, where disputed issues are resolved and europe can once again return to the path of peace. However, it is going to be very difficult for ukraine to accept the conditions laid down by Putin for peace talks. In such a situation, let us know what are Putin's conditions and whether ukraine will accept them.

What conditions has Vladimir Putin laid down?

25 years have passed since Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power. In such a situation, he has become a seasoned master of politics, in front of whom even the best leaders fail. This is the reason why when he talked about peace talks, it became clear that he would definitely put some conditions. Then exactly this happened, because he told Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky a list of his five most difficult conditions for walking on the path of peace with Ukraine.

While talking to the employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry in the capital Moscow on friday (June 14), Putin told his first condition. He said that Ukraine will have to give up its aim of joining NATO. The second condition is that Kiev will have to withdraw its troops from the four areas claimed by russia - Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia. Putin also emphadata-sized here that his aim is to end the war completely, not just stop it for some time.

Putin stated his third condition that ukraine must accept Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia as part of russia and accept Moscow's sovereignty over them. He said that all these four regions must be recognised globally as well. The Russian President stated the fourth condition that the rights, freedom and interests of Russian-speaking citizens in ukraine must be fully protected. Putin's fifth condition is that all sanctions imposed on russia must be lifted.

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