Primary education and healthcare should be guaranteed...

S Venkateshwari
Primary education and healthcare should be guaranteed...

For the majority of the populace, access to high-quality primary healthcare and education for all national residents is the most pressing concern. During election season, a wide range of questions on both these fronts ought to be asked. These two topics are so crucial that any nation can undergo a two-decade transformation provided there is a strong political desire. But even prior to the elections, political parties were silent on both of these matters. Here, the focus is on guarantees rather than promises.

The three main problems are poverty, unemployment, and inflation.

Aside from this, fundamental election concerns such as unemployment, inflation, and malnourishment should be thoroughly questioned by political parties and their leaders, particularly the ruling party. 67 lakh youngsters in india still receive "zero food" even after seven and a half decades of freedom. It's unfortunate. Rather than talking about this, the whole thing is suppressed. In india, the issue lies in the political selection of topics that are important to all political parties and that they wish to discuss during election campaigns.

It is more appropriate to discuss economic development than GDP growth.

This is not the end of the issues pertaining to the general public. Issues such as economic disparity, poverty, hunger, malnourishment, and social prejudice based on caste are not problems that should be suppressed; rather, they should be acknowledged and eradicated. Citing the GDP growth rate and turning it into a virtual electoral issue about the nation's progress can win elections, but the problem of the widening economic inequality gap cannot be solved. In terms of GDP per person, india comes in behind 120 other nations. The nation's 80–85 crore inhabitants are reliant on government-supplied food grains for sustenance. GDP growth is something we talk about, but we need to realize that it is not the same as economic development. The general public should have a thorough discussion of the key distinctions between economic development and growth.

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