Bhagoriya festival is special for the tribal society

Sekar Chandra

Bhagoria, the festival of tribal culture, is going to start from monday (18 March). This festival, which lasts for seven days, is mainly celebrated in tribal areas like Dhar, Jhabua, Khargone, Alirajpur, Kardavad. It is especially celebrated with great pomp in the areas where tribal communities are living in large numbers.

In this series, Bhagoria festival is being celebrated in many villages of Sehore district adjacent to the capital Bhopal. Bhagoria festival will be organized on the day of Haat in Bilkisganj, Ladkui, Bridishnagar, Siddikganj, Kolardem areas of Sehore district. Bhagoriya Lok Parva will start from today, march 18, in tribal dominated areas across the state. The festival will conclude with holi Dahan on march 24.

Why was it named Bhagoriya?

Bhagoria festival is considered to be the biggest festival of the tribal community. A glimpse of the culture of the tribal community can be seen in Bhagoriya. It is believed that Bhagoriya started during the time of raja Bhoj. At that time two Bhil kings Kasumar and Balun started organizing fairs in their capital Bhagor. Gradually the nearby Bhil kings also started following them, due to which it became a trend to call the market and fair as Bhagoriya.

Everyone waits eagerly

Elders, old people, children, youth, girls, women, everyone is eager to go to Bhagoria Haat. The tribal society starts preparing for the Bhagoriya festival a month in advance. Tribal girls come to this fair wearing new traditional clothes. When women do makeup, the youth also dress up and start playing flute tunes. Tribal people start playing drums. There is an atmosphere of excitement and enthusiasm all around. Along with wheat and gram crops in the fields, the intoxication of Tesu, Mahua and Toddy dissolves its juice in the atmosphere.

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